Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Christian Terrorists

Wow. I had no faith in the sanity of Liberty University students before, but now, well...

Campbell County authorities arrested a Liberty University student for having several homemade bombs in his car.

The student, 19-year-old Mark D. Uhl of Amissville, Va., reportedly told authorities that he was making the bombs to stop protesters from disrupting the funeral service. The devices were made of a combination of gasoline and detergent, a law enforcement official told ABC News' Pierre Thomas. They were "slow burn," according to the official, and would not have been very destructive.

"There were indications that there were others involved in the manufacturing of these devices and we are still investigating these individuals with the assistance of ATF [Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms], Virginia State Police and FBI. At this time it is not believed that these devices were going to be used to interrupt the funeral services at Liberty University," the Campbell County Sheriff's Office said in a release.

This is terrorism just as much as those who bomb abortion clinics or blow up buses in Israel. Terrorism. Why won't the media report it as such? Because Christians can't be terrorists, apparently. At least, the news whores won't call them terrorists.

(h/t Ed Brayton)

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