Saturday, May 12, 2007

Rudy Snubs Poor Iowa Farmers

America's Nutjob, Fear-Mongering Mayor really fucks it up in Iowa. From Talking Points Memo and the Des Moines Register:

Deborah VonSprecken had looked forward to having former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani photographed with Jack of Diamonds, one of the Texas Longhorns on her family's 80-acre farm near the eastern Iowa town of Olin.

Instead VonSprecken and her husband, Jerry, feel they received a bum steer from the Republican presidential candidate...Deborah VonSprecken said Giuliani's campaign backed out of the event at her home after deciding she and her husband did not fill the bill for the candidate's talk about the so-called "death tax."

"They checked our assets, and since we're not considered millionaires, they canceled," she said.

Rudy Giuliani is a neurotic, flip-flopping, mobbed up joke. Even with being first in the nation, Iowa doesn't matter much, but it's indicative of who really calls Rudy's shots (hint: it's the super-rich). Paris Hilton and the rest of the worthless rich are the only ones who'll get relief by throwing out the estate tax, and the middle class and poor will be taxed more to make up the dough.


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